drowning in the shallow water…

everyone is busy falling in and out of love, when trial and exams are right there waiting to hit you at the face. to be frank, im missing out. its not like i want a relationship or something, i just feel missing out on this teenage thinggy. how can priyaa live la? even my friend who made a solemnly death oath to have a boyfriend even gave up and had one recently. my other friend whu thinks she is too ugly for anyone (when she is not) had one lovey dovey caring guy for her. ohh, everyone has a boyfriend now, why am i not happy then?

im glad they have each and other, but ergh, ok. i admit, im jealous. i have a crush, but i dont want to tell. i might screw up everything, better shut it up and keep it in right?

im so not ready for everything right now, and trials, no one listens anymore.. all they do is talk about whu they like, love and whats worst, who they hate, comparing their ex’s and so on. blablabla. teary eyed for a sad person.

i want teddy weddy, 😦

hug me and make me feel better.


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